Vi från Skördefestkontoret har under veckan deltagit i Embla Food Awards i Oslo, en tävling som skapar synlighet för nordisk mat och de innovativa människorna bakom den. Skördefesten som evenemang var nominerad som finalist i kategorin nordisk matdestination.
Vi hade även med oss andra duktiga åländska matkreatörer inom de resterande kategorierna:
• Nordisk råvaruproducent – Västerro/ Anders Westerberg
• Nordisk matentreprenör – Våffelrakan/ Michaela Eckerman och Jack Mattson
• Nordisk matkommunikatör - Åland 100/ Tiina Björklund
• Nordisk mat till barn och unga - Jessica Eriksson/ Daghemmet Prästkragen
• Nordisk mathantverkare – Öfvergårds/ Anna och Jan Alm
Vi höll tummarna för vinst i alla kategorier, men tyvärr gick vi bet, trots att alla vara värdiga vinnare.
Vill ni veta mer om Embla Food Awards och de nominerade deltagarna samt vinnarna kan ni läsa mer här.
Trots utebliven vinst så tycker vi på Skördefestkontoret att Skördefestens Vänner borde ha vunnit priset, vi hade till och med förberett ett tacktal. Skulle vi fått välja så skulle Skördefesten ha vunnit priset som nordisk matdestination. Som tack till alla deltagare, besökare och sponsorer som gör evenemanget möjligt så hittar ni det här nedan.
”Thank you, what an honor!
First, I would like to express my gratitude for this award, on behalf of our entire association.
It shows that we work in the right direction and this milestone gives us great confidence in the collaborative work we do in the Nordic food world.
I am only a messenger and a recipient of this award and I would like to have all members of the association who make the Harvest Festival, Åland Grönskar and soon Åland Glimrar possible to take part in this party, without you we would not be here today and the prize is for all of us.
I would also like to thank the board, our sponsors and all our previous association managers, project managers and project coordinators. Without their diligent work the Friends of the Harvest Festival as an association, would not have created the lovable folk festivals our events are today.
The harvest festival is the heart and an engine in Åland's food culture and a meeting place for producers and consumers, old and young, as well as city dwellers and farmers.
With these core values and purposes, we create a vibrant, vivid countryside together. Cooperation, a common respect for each other's operational conditions and with “Viligert” = honorable work we can today be classified as a food destination and with this our core values have been recognized in a Nordic context. But our work is not done yet, and we will continue to develop our events for many years to come.
We would like to wish everyone a warm welcome, when you pass by :)
Thank you.”